Add the yeast packet to water and hand-mix before adding to your bowl of Dough Mix. When using a mixer, don’t mix at too high a speed, let the mix do its thing.
Classic dough creates a crispy, thin crust your crowd will love.
Gozney Classic Pizza Dough Mix makes 2 x 12" pizzas.
Create delicious Classic Pizza Dough in 2-4 hours for a pizza that will impress your family.
Classic pizza dough should be baked at 330ºC for 5-6 minutes in your Gozney pizza oven.
Classic Dough
Here's our recommendation so you have enough pizza for your crowd. 5 people: 3-5 pizzas / 1-2 packs 10 people: 5-10 pizzas / 2-3 packs
In eine große Schüssel die mitgelieferte Teigmischunggeben, 1 Päckchen Hefe (im Lieferumfang enthalten) hinzufügen und 30 Sekunden lang mitder Hand verrühren.
430g Wasser bei Raumtemperatur hinzufügen.
Gut vermischen, bis der Teig gla t ist (10–12 Minutenmit der Hand oder 5–8 Minuten mit dem Mixer aufniedriger Stufe).
Den Teig in 4 gleichgroße Kugeln formen (270–277 g)und in den leicht geölten Gozney Teigschale oder eineSchüssel geben. Den Behälter mit.
Zugedeckt 2–4 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur ruhenlassen, bis sich das Teigvolumen verdoppelt hat.
Den Teig mit Mehl bestäuben und mit den Händen aufeinen Kreis von 30 cm (12 Zoll) ausdehnen.
Vordem Backen Toppings nach Wahl hinzufügen.
Im Gozney-Pizzaofen bei 330 °C – Minuten backenoder in einem herkömmlichen Ofen bei 230 °C – Minuten backen. Während des Backens drehen, bis diegewünschte Krustenkonsistenz.
Add the yeast packet to water and hand-mix before adding to your bowl of Dough Mix. When using a mixer, don’t mix at too high a speed, let the mix do its thing.
Always keep your proofing dough covered. The temperature of the environment affects the proofing process; proofing takes longer in a cold room and goes faster in a warmer environment.
Always coat your dough balls with flour before opening. Push your fingers into the center of the dough ball to flatten but also push air into the crust, always go from the center outward. Once your dough is opened, a great method to stretch is to transfer the base to the back of both hands and gently turn while using gravity to slowly stretch the dough.
Happens to the best of us. Simply pinch the hole back firmly back together.
Can’t get the pizza off your countertop or placement peel? Make sure to add a little bit of flour or semolina flour to work surface before opening your dough ball. Sprinkle flour or semolina flour on peel before placing your pizza on it. Flour will help the dough move from surface to surface without sticking.